Gemma Thompson
After finishing a degree in Environmental Geography, Gemma decided that the typical grad job in the city wasn't for her, so moved to Asia to chase the dream of getting paid to go diving full time. After 2 years living it up on a small tropical island in Malaysia, she's a Master Scuba Diver Trainer and an Emergency First Response Instructor who has taught hundreds of students and made thousands of dives. Gemma has a huge passion for underwater photography and loves bringing this into her classes. She has been recognised by PADI for her outstanding teaching through being awarded the highly coveted 'Certificate of Excellence' and teaches specialty courses in Underwater Photography, Deep Diving, Wreck Diving, Night Diving and Enriched Air Nitrox.
A season in Cyprus saw her working with the British Army, Royal Air Force and US Air Force training snipers, pilots, Ghurkas, paratroopers and everyone in between to dive; and culminated with a PADI Elite Instructor award. These days, Gemma is based in the UK and apart from Dive Proof, has spent time working as a Manager for Girls That Scuba and helping out with Ghost Fishing UK.
“A recurring nuisance throughout my diving career has been the soggy log book. After handing out more replacement books than I can count (and having to dry a fair few out myself), I started to wonder why no one had thought to make these water resistant… and so Dive Proof was born!”